Why Reverse T3 is So Important!
There is some chatter going around, in other Facebook groups, to the effect reverse T3 testing is unnecessary and does not tell us...
More Than Meets The Eye
"But you don't look sick!" "You should workout more!" We've all been on the receiving end of well-intended, unsolicited, albeit...
Optimal Health Starts with the Liver
One of the most FRUSTRATING components of having thyroid disease is the unknown: You’re doing everything right, you’ve tweaked your meds...
Julie's Road to Health and Wellness!
After decades of being among the walking dead, I feel great. I had lost 75 pounds, then I settled around 165 pounds at 5'4", where I was...
My Success of Living a Ketogenic/Low Carb Lifestyle.
Patients dealing with thyroid disease and/or thyroid cancer often struggle with their weight as a result of their illness. That struggle...
An Open Letter to Dr. Drew
Dear Dr. Drew Congratulations! In a brief statement to a political rag, you managed to reveal one of the biggest misconceptions about...
A Story of Hope!
Yesterday I went to my Great Aunt's 90th Birthday party. This is what happened: She was telling me how beautiful I looked and said "you...