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Order Your Own Labs

Now you can order your own labs at affordable prices! The Thyroid Survivor Network has partnered with Ulta Lab Tests to make this process as easy and affordable as possible! We have created five different lab panels so you know exactly what labs to order, depending upon your individual needs.  Click here for a complete list of the following panels: 


  • Thyroid Disease Panel: includes fundamental thyroid labs, such as Free T3, Free T4 and Reverse T3.

  • Thyroid Cancer Panel: includes our basic thyroid testing, as well as Thyroglobulin and Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TgAb) which are necessary to properly monitor for recurrence of thyroid cancer.

  • TSN Comprehensive Wellness Panel:  this comprehensive panel include testing for key minerals and vitamins which many patients have found to be crucial to achieving wellness.

  • TSN Iron Panel: includes Serum Iron, Ferritin, % Saturation and TIBC, which if imbalanced, can affect your thyroid levels.

  • TSN Sex Hormone Panel:  This panel includes the most important labs for determining if your sex hormones are optimal. 


Of course, you can always customize your labs to address your individual needs. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask in one of our TSN Support Groups!


Don't forget you get 10% off of ALL labs!! The Thyroid Survivor Network has arranged for our entire community to receive 10% off all labs! Use discount code TSN10% at checkout to apply the coupon, or click here!



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